Sunday, July 8, 2012

Old News

My mom, brother, and I visited Ventura, California, my home town, about a month ago. We were there for about 5 days, which is nowhere near long enough. I saw a few friends which was nice, and got to spend time with family, but it was all so quick. But easily worth the long drive to and from. 

I spent a bit of one day in Ojai with my cousin, Jenna, and her friend, Pippa, and her friends, who are also cousins, and Pippa's other friend from Ojai. It was the perfect day, not too hot, which it tends to get up there during the summer time. 

We went on a bit of a hike and then to this small pond on Pippa's property, where we kayaked and went swimming and I may or may not have tipped a kayak once or three times. Regardless, it was a blast! 

I also went to a wedding while I was there and saw old family friends a bunch, and the whole long weekend was just fab. I just wish I could go back more often. 

Since being home I've been working quite a bit, but also having fun on my free time. And when I say fun, that does in fact include paying someone to stab me with tiny needles. 

The actual tattoo getting is somewhat less than fun, but I spent a good amount of the day in good company and exploring awesome artwork, planning out the future of my lower left leg. I'm very excited for it. 

In terms of food? I'm trying to actually eat breakfast, and one thing I tried that doesn't make me feel to sick in the mornings is a small amount of steel cut oats, maybe half a cup once cooked, with diced berries and fruit (bananas, nectarines, what have you), and about 3 spoonfuls of vanilla yoghurt. Mix it all together and it looks disgusting but tastes delicious. 

Andddd that's it bye.


Music right now: I've been listening to Brand New, most specifically, The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me. But also everything else by them. I've been closing at work lately so I listen to music then, but mostly dubstep or rap or something more upbeat. And right this second? Mineral came up on shuffle which makes me nostalgic for some reason. Just one of those things, I guess.

Movies and TV right now: Moonrise Kingdom was underwhelming in the sense that it was quite good but not the kind of good I was expecting it to be. GREAT cast, as usual in Wes Anderson films, but the story was just kind of eh. Well made and well done to everyone though, I'll definitely see it again sometime, but it didn't replace Royal Tenenbaums as my number one.
For some reason I thought that I'd seen Ugly Betty before but I had not, so now it's my go-to on Netflix. Though I do need to catch up on Pretty Little Liars, but all of the episode descriptions are too cryptic that I don't know which one I left off at.

Reading right now: Henry Rollins. And of course, still, Jane Eyre.

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