Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Gossip Girl Finale Sucked. Dang.

I watch a lot of tv and have a lot of feelings. Especially about finale episodes. Sorry if this sort of post is boring for you.

I expected so much more from such a dramatic show. Very disappointing. And while How I Met Your Mother was slightly more exciting and worthy of my time, it was a wee bit predictable. BUT everything could change next season. And thank goodness CBS picked it up for another season, along with Big Bang Theory.
A few others that I'm sure everyone is glad to see will be returning:

  • Parenthood - This show is brilliant. The cast is perfect. The writing is better than average. The Bravermans are my favorite family besides my own. It truly is one of the best shows on tv right now, in my personal opinion. 
  • Parks and Rec - This one was up in the air for a bit, but NBC finally caught it and is bringing it back again. NBC is finally making a few decent calls. With the exception of Whitney. Sorry. It's just not my jam. 
  • Vampire Diaries - Though also a teeny bit predictable, still threw me for a loop several times in the finale. as always. Good drama, better acting than Degrassi (which is all one can hope for considering it's the CW), and a good story. And less people died than I envisioned for this season. 
  • Grey's - OMG. DID YOU PEOPLE SEE THE FINALE? OMG. Tears for days. And I literally jumped up off of my bed in surprise and stifled a small yelp (it was past midnight when I Hulu'd) while simultaneously throwing my hands up in frustration when the end came. Goodness. 
As far as BBCone goes:
  • Doctor Who - The Ponds are leaving us about mid-season this year. It will indeed be a sad time when they are gone. Whether or not this is Matt Smith's last series as the Doctor isn't something that's been announced officially, but I do like him a lot, and the next Doctor will be filling not only Matt's goofy shoes, But David Tenant's as well. Ten and Eleven are by far my favorites, and both are so fabulous, it's hard to think that there will be someone else as Twelve eventually. Anyway, the new companion looks promising, as does this next season. I'm beyond thrilled.
  • Merlin - Speaking of thrilled, this show got so good over time. This last season was great, and the finale foreshadowed a lot of excitement for the future.
I know there are others returning, but those are my top faves for the time being. I am incredibly excited for the summer shows that will be joining Game of Thrones, though. Granted, they all start after it's season two end, but just in time, I'd say. Dexter, Weeds, True Blood. All three ended in excruciatingly beautiful cliffhangers last year, though if Weeds would have ended, I think I could have been okay with it. Dexter on the other hand? Not so much. It took six seasons to reach the point in the story that every viewer was subconsciously hoping would eventually (inevitably?) happen. And this is supposedly the last year for both Showtime wonders, so let's hope some more great (original) shows will come out of that network soon. 

What's being cancelled? House. Which...we all saw coming, let's be real. This season was aight. The cast was decent, so there's one good thing. I guess. But also, The Secret Circle on the CW. IT COULD HAVE BEEN BRILLIANT. If only it was...what's the word...better. The first ten or so episodes were quite intriguing; good story, not great acting, but good story. Then something happened that made it no longer interesting for me, which is what, I'm assuming, happened for a lot of people. Not sure what it was exactly, but something. Anyway, I'll stick to GG and VD for my CW fix.

What shows do you watch? Which finales have you caught so far? Did your favorites get cancelled or will they be on for an additional season? DISCUSS. 

Cheers was a good show. I may or may not have seen most episodes of it. Before the age of 15. 

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