There are several things I try to avoid talking about with people: religion and politics.
I find that it's best to understand other people's beliefs, whether it be in the Godlike or state side. Understanding of others helps us understand ourselves. Large-scale empathy, so to speak.
Here's my story, in a nutshell.
I grew up LDS in Southern California, and, as I later realized, I went to church for others and not for myself. I was social and wanted to be around others for the benefit of being around others, not for the benefit of being spiritual. I found it to be a plus and not the primary reason.
When I went to BCT (basic combat training) for the Army last summer I prayed often and feared the unknown even more. Each Sunday morning I would go to Church. We were given a set of mini scriptures that I carried around with me everywhere in my side cargo pocket. It was the only thing I was allowed to read besides my blue book. I needed as much uplifting and motivation as I could get.
I don’t go to Church as much as I used to, for my own reasons, but I still love my Heavenly Father. I overcame some of my biggest fears, mentally and physically, at training last year, and I truly don’t think I could have done it without knowing God the way I do now.
I read a lot of Alma (from the Book of Mormon) because it’s filled with war stories, and well, I figured that was relatable at the time. I also read 1 and 2 Timothy. It’s inspiring, and it kept me grounded with the wisdom I needed to hear whenever I felt like giving up, which was an everyday thing, mind you. I still can’t understand how some people got through BCT so easily. I know several people who thought it was a breeze and said they’d do it all over again.
It was a learning and intense life experience. It was 10 weeks of soreness, pain, long days and seemingly short nights on the top bunk.
It feels like a dream now that it’s done, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about it.
Obviously, I'm into CrossFit. A good handful of CrossFit athletes are incredibly open about their beliefs, in God or otherwise, and several of them have scriptures posted to their twitters, on shirts, or just tattooed to their sides. As it so happens, one of my favorite athletes (but I mean, really - I feel like I'm singling out a favorite child), Rory Zambard, sometimes shares great scriptures, and the one she shares most frequently is 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
These are the simplest words to live by. I understand that the bible is interpreted different ways. For me, a person who used to worry about everything and fear the unknown, these words saved my life. As with BCT, not a day goes by that I don’t think about this scripture or some of the others in this book (2 Timothy 1:3, 12-14, 2:3-4, 7). I grew up reading KJV, but I think the point gets across whichever version you read.
Words can affect our state of mind or spirit, and even our entire outlook on life, in some cases.
I’m a word nerd. I love words.
I believe that words can change the world, and have already done so countless times throughout history. Disregard the religious aspect of these scriptures if you would like, but don’t argue that they do not have meaning.
I wrote quotes in the back of my little notebook that I was required to carry with me at BCT. Quotes, scriptures, things people said that kept me thinking positive. I read them over and over throughout every single day I was there.
Words kept me from quitting. Words keep me thinking that everything is okay, because it is. Sometimes we think too much about too many things, and the words we read or hear distract us and bring us back to where we need to be.
Our minds are strange things. We are able to think whatever it is that we want to think, but our thoughts so are influenced by what surrounds us that we forget to think for ourselves sometimes. However, sometimes the thoughts that are not ours are the best ones we will ever know.
I think everything happens for a reason. I don’t have regrets and I am not afraid of the unknown because I know that whatever happens will happen, and I will adapt accordingly and make the best of things. The way we each interpret different events determines how we enjoy (or don’t enjoy, unfortunately for some) living our lives.
I let words effect me in the most positive ways I know how to let them, and I am a better person for it.
I never gave much thought to talking to people about God. I don’t often express my love for Him or discuss religion, like I said. However, I think it is safe to say that I would not be who I am without Him, and I don’t mind letting everyone know once in a while.
Believe what you want to believe. I can only hope that your beliefs make you happy and bring about good things for you and those who you surround yourself with.
Be happy and love life. Life is most definitely better when you love living it.
Song of the day:
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