Thursday, March 29, 2012

Boring Life, Exciting Non-Realities

I am busy. I am tired. I am not used to this much work, physical and non-physical.
Last week I worked a total of 54 hours between two jobs. One job is in a fast paced kitchen where I am a total sloth compared to all the others there, and the other job is going through dozens and dozens of boxes of files and paper work for hours.

BUT I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THAT ANYMORE BECAUSE IT'S BORING. Let's be real. I don't care enough about my boring life to write about it, so I highly doubt you are going to want to read about it.

I am still eating healthier and still vegetarian. Hoo-rah. One of my favorite new meals is a simple breakfast burrito: egg whites, a bit o' cheese (I like Swiss personally), and one or two Morningstar sausages (I like both the links and the patties), all wrapped up in a tortilla. Takes like, idk, 5 minutes to make? And tastes AWESOME. Also, vegetarian corn dogs are what's up.

This afternoon on my day off I made some really great strawberry muffins, subbing out most of the sugar with Splenda. Other than the 1/2 cup of butter that is in the recipe, they're really not all bad for you. I use fresh strawberries, and about one and a half times of the called for amount. Oh, and I use soy milk instead of whole milk.
And honestly? It's a recipe for cupcakes, apparently. The first time I made them I was like, "huh? Why so muffiny when you're supposed to be cakey?" But oh well. It works, and they're dang good. The linked recipe makes pretty much the perfect amount for twelve.

Music right now: This week is short and sweet. Mainly because I'm busy but also lazy. Okay.
Discovery, LIGHTS, and Crystal Castles are bands that I have been listening to a lot. Lights' mist recent record, Siberia, is great, though I can't say it's better than her first because they are a bit different in terms of the music. Her voice is as great as ever though. My favorite songs on Siberia are Toes, Banner, and Where the Fence Is Low.

Discovery has a lot of beep boop noises but also some great beats. My personal favorite song right now is Swing Tree, but the others are all slowly growing on me.

Apparently I can't help but comment on each band. So much for short.

Crystal Castles has always been a band I've enjoyed, but for some reason I had never listened to their first album, which I think I may actually like more than the second. A lot of their stuff is instrumental, and also very much made by machines, so to speak. I wouldn't call it techno, but more an electro-pop alternative. I guess.

I've also found myself listening to Sufjan Stevens a lot lately, because I'd not heard several of his albums before now, and, thanks to Spotify, more doors have been opened on that front. Plus, he's got like 50 (meaning 10ish) albums, so you can't blame me.

Books right now: As you know, I read a somewhat autobiographical picturesque book on Norman Rockwell a few weeks back, and really enjoyed learning about him. I took my brothers to the St. George city library (which is a great library, by the way) yesterday and got just about every book they had on Norman Rockwell. Plus the full collection of Calvin and Hobbes, though I've read that probably twice over before already. Bill Watterson is another really great author/artist who is quite inspiring to me, and these publications have some notes from him in them, so I'm excited to get to that.

Lucky for me (jokes, jokes), most art books are huge and I forgot to bring a bag.

TV and Movies right now: Downton Abbey. That's basically it. And let's be real; it's basically Gossip Girl in WWI England. So good, though. 

Oh, and I started Battlestar Galactica a few weeks back. Only about 4 episodes in, I'm not sure how I like it. Well, that's not true, I don't like it, but the story is cool. I'm just not stoked on all the actors. I'll get through it eventually, as per request of several friends and acquaintances. 
Also, DOCTOR WHO IS COMING BACK. Not sure when yet, but I'm sure stoked on that new trailer that was just put out a few days back. I'm excited for the new companion that's to join the Doctor about half way through the season, but sad to see Amy and Rory Pond (Williams) leave. They're probably my favorite companions to date besides Donna Noble. Plus, who are the writers going to keep killing off if Rory's gone?

As for movies, I watched a few last week from Netflix: Middle of Nowhere and A Summer in Genoa (aka Genova). Both great family dramas, one of my favorite sub-genres. I also Redbox'd the American version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (I urge you to watch the Swedish version as well if you've yet to do so) and Straw Dogs (which is apparently a remake of the Dustin Hoffman film from the early 70s of the same name), both of which were very intense and scary to a point. Let's just say they both show what human beings are capable of, but in the worst of ways. They were both excellent films, though.

And, of course, I went to see The Hunger Games, though not on opening night at midnight or whatever. It was so good. That is a book that was meant for the screen. There were very few details changed, due in part, I'm sure, to the fact that Suzanne Collins helped write and produce the film. The acting was a lot better than I expected it to be from some characters, and overall it was more than I had hoped for going into that theatre. I will happily (eh, not exactly, but you get the point) go see it again before it leaves the big screen. 

In more exciting news, Game of Thrones season two starts this weekend. OMG I'M SO EXCITEDDDD. So. There you have it. 


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